Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baby Blanket Bliss

Today was a very special day - all of our 25 hand-made blankets were donated to Julliette's Place! Ever since we finished making the blankets this past weekend, we've been on a high, waiting to deliver them! Julliette's Place is a very deserving shelter that offers support services for abused women. The staff were so friendly and appreciative and we were so happy to support them. We know that the blankets will be well used in this location and ultimately that was our main goal. Just thinking about being able to help 25 little babies and their mothers brings a huge smile to our faces. We absolutely love the blankets, and we're sure they will too.

In the end, 25 blankets were made (yes, of course, sticking to our '25' theme although we would gladly make more!). They took on a mixture of colour combinations, ranging from white and green to pink and purple. We used extra fabric to tie them neatly with a bow - thanks Mom for your expert bow-making skills! We found an extra large box in our basement to put them in. We covered it with baby wrapping paper and extra fabric for that added touch! It was a tight squeeze fitting the box into our car, but we managed!!

It's a little strange to think that this project is now over....it was so fun and so fulfulling! If we've learned anything from this 'Drive' so far its that giving back doesn't have to take much time or cost a lot of money, what's important is the thought and the motivation. And, most of all, the rewards are long-lasting.

We owe a big thank you to Sue at Fabricland in Whitby for her support and generous donation of fabric. You helped to start us off on this project and we're so appreciative! Also, our friends Angela and Rebecca deserve a lot of credit for initially showing us how to make these blankets. Lastly, thanks to our parents for not caring that our basement was covered in fabric, scissors, blankets and lots and lots of FUZZ for several weeks. We will clean up....

So there you have it. 25 blankets = complete! But, for some reason we know that there will be more blankets in our future :)


  1. Way to go girls! Love the blankets! Great way to help out Juliette's Place.

  2. Awesome job ladies! Your spirit is inspiring!
