Well, we can officially say that we successfully (to a certain extent!) completed our first ever GOLF LESSONS! Tonight was our 5th and final lesson, and boy have we come a long way! We owe a huge THANK YOU to our awesome instructor Bill for his patience, enthusiasm and expertise. I can't imagine what he thought when we walked in for our first lesson without even knowing how to properly hold a club! Now, what seemed so strange and uncomfortable has become, for the most part, habit.
We're so happy that we decided to try something new and challenging. As we've learned, golf is a challenging game, one that is almost impossible to master. As real beginners, we found this out pretty quickly. Although we started these lessons with practically no experience, we have finished with an excitement for the game and the basic skills that will be fundamental in our golfing future. Not only can we properly hold a club, we can use a driver, make a shot that's relatively straight (although this is never guaranteed!), and follow through after every swing (this we've been told is extremely important - "Hold the pose").
Now, we're looking forward to seeing how we do on our own and on an actual course. We're going to take it slow, remember, as best we can, everything that we've learned, and most of all, have fun. That's what we want to take out of the game and that's what's most important to us. This was all about having fun.
So there you have it. Over the last couple of months, we challenged ourselves to get out there and learn something new. And we think you should too! It doesn't take much, just a little push, and you'll be surprised with the results. You may learn skills you'll have for a lifetime. We certainly did. (Thank you Golf Town!). In the end, we had a blast and will actually miss our lessons! Who knows, we may just sign up again another time!
Stay tuned - we may have some funny stories to tell after we get out on the course!!!
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